It’s fresh pot season, stans.
Posted on November 8, 2022 by wordpressAdmin

We’re not talking Stanleys. Though there probably are some Stanleys who are Boyd’s stans.

How do you know if you are, indeed, a Boyd’s stan? If one or more of these things describes you, you may be a Boyd’s stan:

  • You have a fervent devotion to all things Boyd’s.
  • You have a Boyd’s subscription.
  • You carefully peel off and save the black and white photos from every bag of Boyd’s Coffee you buy because, someday…you know…they’ll make a great collage. Wallpaper, even.
  • You order enough Boyd’s Coffee to place in bowls around your house as air freshener: Good Morning in the kitchen, French No. 6 in the sitting room, Red Wagon in the entertainment room.   
  • You’ve made a pilgrimage to Portland, Oregon just to be in the city where it all started.
  • You’re always giving Boyd’s coffee and gear to your friends and family, for every occasion. Every year. Even to those who hate coffee because that’s just unnatural.

We see you. And we appreciate you.

Regardless of the answer to are you or are you not a stan, it’s Fresh Pot Season. The temperatures are getting cooler and you know what that means? Like Dave Grohl, we all just need a fresh pot. More hot coffee and more binge-watching Stranger Things or House of Dragons or Succession or Reservation Dogs or that new season of Ted Lasso whenever that drops. Mmmmm. Coffee to keep you warm and keep you up for all that bingeing of shows you keep meaning to watch because everybody’s talking about them but you had better things to do. Till now.

Is someone you love a Boyd’s stan? Consider yourself on notice. We may or may not know a little something about the gifts they plan to give this year.

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