Coffee & food pairings to fuel your spirit
Posted on October 29, 2021 by wordpressAdmin

Great taste combinations to make any meal a treat

Coffee is great alongside your morning muffin, but it’s also great beyond your morning routine. Get fully fueled any time of day with your Boyd coffee. Just like wine, coffee can be complex when paired with different foods.

There’s really no hard and fast rules for pairing coffee with foods—it comes down to personal preference. When creating your own food and coffee pairings follow two easy steps: identify the dominant flavor in your favorite food and match it with coffee that has similar flavors. If you taste an entrée or dessert with a certain coffee and enjoy the way they taste together, you probably have a good pairing.

Here are a few examples of coffee pairings that will rev up your breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


We know breakfast is your go-to meal to get you motivated to face whatever the day may bring. So, whether you like your breakfast savory or sweet, here are a few breakfast coffee pairings that will give your coffee that extra “oomph”:

Savory foods like eggs, bacon,

Heavier bodied coffees like French No. 6 and Red Wagon
can stand up to the savory notes of a full breakfast meal.

Breakfast breads like donuts,
muffins, & coffee cakes

Smooth, medium roasts with a hint of sweetness, like our

Breaktime blend, combine with the sugary goodness to
rev up your brain!

Cereals, toast, or croissants

Light, balanced coffees, like our Coffee Shop blend work

well with these flavors without overpowering their flavors.

Lunch and Dinner

Lunch and dinner can encompass a wide range of foods. Whether you’re eating light or fueling up on a heavier meal, here are some pairings that work well together:

Soup and salads (light lunches)

A lighter roast, like our Coffee Shop blend, will work well with the
light, vegetable, or fruit flavors in your favorite salad.

Spicy dishes and heavier entrees

Bold, dark roast coffees, like our French No. 6, have the body and
flavor to stand up to and complement spicy foods, adding a great
contrast to your meal!

Chicken and poultry dishes

Just like with salads, the fruity aroma and lighter roast of our
Coffee Shop blend will add to the mild, savory, taste of most
poultry dishes.


Everybody loves dessert, especially after a day full of activity and accomplishments. From chocolate to fruit, here are some pairings sure to please:

Dark chocolate, cheesecake,
and heavy desserts

Dark roasts, like our Organic Red Wagon, match these hearty flavors
and balance the richness of these desserts.

Crepes, sweet breads, and cookies

Medium bodied coffees, like our Original Roast or Breaktime,
have notes of cocoa that will balance with the sweetness of these desserts!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to finding your favorite coffee and food pairings. Go ahead and experiment; you may find a unique coffee and food pairing that is just right for your own, unique style.

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