Top 5 Reasons Coffee Is The Ultimate Back-to-school Fuel
Posted on September 8, 2022 by wordpressAdmin

Seriously. Before you get all worked up, we’re not talking about little kids here. We’re talking about teachers, parents, college students. Whether you’re a teacher, a professor, or a parent of students, getting back to routine can take a little work. We’re here to let you in on the not-so-secret facts about why coffee can be welcome part of easing back into your fall routine.

  1. Time to rise and shine (or stay awake!) on the regular.
    For most of us, our routine gets a little more flexible (shall we say looser?) over the summer. Vacations, activities, that summer feeling. Life’s just a little different in the summer. Whether it’s back to classes, back to routine, or putting in some late hours on a project, a nice cuppa joe can boost your energy.
  2. You want to be sharp.
    According to a recent study, caffeine significantly increases your ability to focus and solve problems. But you already knew that, right? Check out the scientific research here.
  3. You can have it your way.
    Coffee is so easily customizable to your tastebuds and your mood. Strong and black, light/medium/dark roast, sweet and milky, espresso, latte, mocha, breve, Americano, exotic single origin, simple blend, or flavored.
  4. Available at home or away.
    We hope you’re making at least one cup (with Boyd’s, of course ) at home before you rush out the door or jump on that Zoom class or meeting. But if you run short of time, these days options abound for places to refuel.
  5. Potential Health benefits.
    Studies have shown that drinking coffee in moderation (about 3-4 cups per day) is associated with several health benefits, including a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, brain health, heart health, and increased longevity. Total bonus, right? Just don’t load that coffee up with too much sugar and whipped cream!

Need to stock up on your Back-to-School Fuel? We’ve got you covered right here.

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